065 Fixed Mindset Through The Medium Of Latin Dance
If you click on the play button I share more about my fixed mindset In This Episode... This week I have committed to re-focusing my efforts on developing a growth mindset. In
If you click on the play button I share more about my fixed mindset In This Episode... This week I have committed to re-focusing my efforts on developing a growth mindset. In
Click on the play button to hear a summary of this week's activities In This Episode... As it is the end of the week I do my usual summary of the week's
Click on the Play Button to hear about my time tracking results In This Episode... At the very start of this podcast, I began tracking my time. It's an exercise I have
Click on the play button to find out what I've been putting off now! In This Episode... This week I have been putting something off ALL week. It is a relatively simple
Click on the play button to find out how you can be even more efficient too In This Episode... I am always on the look out of ways to be able to
Click On The Play Button To Discover Tom's Secret In This Episode... This morning I listened to Tom Bilyeu explain his decision making process for what to work on each day. It
Click on the play button to find out how to change to a Growth Mindset In This Episode... In my last episode with a Growth Mindset theme, I shared why I thought
Click on Play to find out what happened today In This Episode... In today's episode I share how I let my day drift and allowed all of my tasks to bunch up
Click on the Play Button to listen to a brief summary of this week's episodes In This Episode... In my regular weekly summary of the activities on this podcast, I share the