In this Episode…

Today has been a day of work. And yes it is a Saturday. So I wax lyrical whether I should be working so hard. But I also talk about how some of the approaches I’ve taken to my productivity continue to bear fruit.

It’s a short episode, but one with valuable lessons and insights for me nevertheless.

Episode Show Note…

Should I Really Be Working On A Saturday?

Today is Saturday. I’m working. Is that a problem?

Well I don’t think so. First of all my partner is at work today so I figure that gives me license to work too. But even if she wasn’t I’d still be working today.


Well first of all, things need to get done. I don’t have the luxury of a job – I own a business that I have plans to grow rapidly. That doesn’t come from a 9-5 existence.

Secondly, Saturday is a quiet day which means I can work uninterrupted on the tasks that need my focus.

And that’s what I’ve done today.

Even On A Saturday It’s Good To Eat That Frog

Today is a heavy writing and recording day and writing takes a lot of mental effort. So that was today’s frog. After getting up as usual and doing my morning routine, having breakfast with my partner before sending her off to work, I cracked on with my writing.

I didn’t open up any e mail or social media or do ANYTHING else until lunch time. And funnily enough I got a lot of good quality writing done.

That unsullied, clear thinking you get when you do that is fabulous for productivity.

Punctuate Your Progress With Periods Of Pause

I do love a good alliteration… perhaps too much.

I started this during the week and have continued to do it this week. In between writing two short articles I took a 6 minute walking break. Then it was rinse and repeat.

Funnily enough, it still works. I was able to extend my productive time much longer before taking lunch.

Problems – How Do You Deal With Them

I’ve been recording episodes of my Monday Morning Minute today and encountered some challenges with a new bit of software I am using to capture and record video. Ironically one of the episodes was about how Growth Mindset people deal with problems.

Well they persist through them UNTIL they are solved.

And that’s what I intend to do.

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