062 The Anatomy Of A Procrastinated Task
Click on the play button to find out what I've been putting off now! In This Episode... This week I have been putting something off ALL week. It is a relatively simple
Click on the play button to find out what I've been putting off now! In This Episode... This week I have been putting something off ALL week. It is a relatively simple
Click on the play button to find out how you can be even more efficient too In This Episode... I am always on the look out of ways to be able to
Click On The Play Button To Discover Tom's Secret In This Episode... This morning I listened to Tom Bilyeu explain his decision making process for what to work on each day. It
Click on the play button to find out how to change to a Growth Mindset In This Episode... In my last episode with a Growth Mindset theme, I shared why I thought
Click on Play to find out what happened today In This Episode... In today's episode I share how I let my day drift and allowed all of my tasks to bunch up
Click on the Play Button to listen to a brief summary of this week's episodes In This Episode... In my regular weekly summary of the activities on this podcast, I share the
Click on the play button to discover why I think I have a fixed mindset In This Episode... In yesterday's episode I explained the difference between a Fixed and a Growth Mindset.
Click on the play button if you have a growth mindset In This Episode... After declaring yesterday that I was going to focus on the development of a Growth Mindset, this episode
Click on the Play button to hear about my next focus and the Growth Mindset In This Episode... The last few weeks have been really useful in developing my productivity muscles. I