In This Episode…
In yesterday’s episode I explained the difference between a Fixed and a Growth Mindset. In today’s episode I bare all and reveal why I think I have a fixed mindset. It’s not pretty; I’m embarrassed to admit it… but there’s no denying it!
Episode Show Notes
00:18 – An update on why I’m looking at Fixed and Growth Mindsets.
00:49 – How I was first introduced to the Growth Mindset.
01:38 – I started to notice I had Fixed Mindset tendencies.
01:54 – Why I was completely and utterly surprised I had a Fixed Mindset.
02:48 – How I know I have a Fixed Mindset.
03:17 – How I deal with challenges – I avoid them.
03:47 – I tend to give up when I am faced with obstacles.
04:20 – I am happy to work very hard and put in lots of effort – but not if it takes me out of my comfort zone.
05:07 – I will do everything to avoid criticism which means I have developed an unhealthy perfectionism streak.
05:50 – I thought I celebrated others success and generally I do unless their success is related to things that I aspire to or should be doing myself… then I am embarrassed to admit I can be occasionally resentful!
06:41 – Where I think my Fixed Mindset comes from – it has its roots in my childhood (Thanks Mom!).
07:34 – How my Fixed Mindset manifests itself today.
09:01 – I have managed to achieve things worthy of note in my time but have found I have endured the struggled rather than enjoyed the growth and development.
10:19 – My “Driving with the handbrake on” Analogy for a Fixed Mindset.