In This Episode…
In today’s episode I reflect on what has been another productive week for me. I do a quick summary of this week’s podcast episodes but then I share my thoughts and the lessons I’ve learnt from my activities of the week.
As usual I look at what has been great about the week and identify a couple of things I could do next week to make things even better.
I’m more than a little embarrassed to admit to something that is causing me significant distraction and getting in the way of me being even more productive.
Episode Show Notes…
00:17 – A summary of this week’s episodes:
- On Monday in episode 185 I talked about how the Headspace App was using gamification to get me to meditate daily. This approach is an important way to develop productive habits.
- In episode 186 on Tuesday I dived into some deep work to sharpen the saw in my business and develop a system for capturing my research.
- On Wednesday I shared the sense of relief I was feeling in anticipation of my new system being in place.
- In Episode 188 on Thursday I got very excited when I used my research system for the very first time – and it worked!
- On Friday in episode 189 I reflected on the importance of conditioning my behaviour around the use of my new research and idea capture process.
- And then yesterday I made the startling revelation that concentration requires me to concentrate (duh!).
02:22 – I’ve been really pleased with how they’ve captured the progress I’ve made in developing my productivity. What jumps out at me over this week is the importance of working on my business as well as working in my business.
02:55 – Sometimes we need to work on the systems of our work (processes, procedures etc…).
03:06 – An example of this was The Shortlist Of The Next Things I’m Going To Focus On In My Productivity Development I created in episode 175.
03:18 – This week I have done both – I have worked ON and IN my business. As usual in a weekly review, I’ll reflect on what has worked really well and what I’ll do next week to make things even better.
03:41 – Here is what has been really great about this week for me (in terms of my business and developing my productivity).
- One of last week’s “Even Betters” was to spend more time sharpening the saw to improve the way I do my work. I have done that this week (see below)
- I have created a system to capture my research and the ideas I generate as a result of that research – this was working ON my business.
- I have put together the welcome pack and pre-seminar activities for my Chief Executives Productivity seminar I am running next month. This was working IN my business.
- I have created and published the online marketing and information resources for my one on one Productivity Coaching. Another example of working IN my business.
04:48 – The coaching and Chief Executive resources are part of my master plan for this year that translated into being this week’s objectives.
05:12 – From a performance basis, here are the things that have also been great about this week:
- I have continued to record and publish a podcast episode every day.
- My morning routine continues to set me up well for the day.
- My daily planning (translating my weekly goals into the things I have to do TODAY) is also working well and continues to get better.
- I’ve achieved two of my objectives that contribute to this year’s goals.
- I have recognised and acknowledged the importance of deep work and that it might necessarily be a bit of a struggle.
05:51 – So what can I do to make things even better next week?
- 06:03 – I need to keep my minor commitments to myself. This is important because I raised it as an “Even Better” last week but appeared not to have done anything about it.
- 06:40 – I need to block my consumption of YouTube and not allow it to become a time wasting distraction.
08:15 – My objectives this week will focus on:
- Identifying potential speaking opportunities for my productivity keynote.
- Putting together the delivery resources for my Power of Focus seminar.
08:53 – I continue to be pleased with my approach to reviewing my week. It ties in perfectly with stage 4 of my Productivity Improvement Operating System (as I mentioned in last week’s review).
09:06 – There are three ways to develop your awareness of how things are going:
- Tracking your time.
- Comparing your achievements against your plans (what this is).
- Keeping a journal.
Until tomorrow…