In This Episode…
Today I was in the zone. I delivered a Productivity Masterclass for a client on taking back control of email. I delivered it in a conversational style with the customer support manager of a leading productivity software and it went well.
But earlier I had a meeting with my mastermind group. A bunch of people who are on a mission to do even greater things with their businesses. I was helped accountable for something I’d promised I do after the last meeting, but hadn’t… ouch!
Episode Show Notes…
Being Held Accountable Is Sometimes Uncomfortable
Or maybe this should be called “Being In A Mastermind Group Is Priceless”?
I am in a Mastermind group and we had our quarterly half day meeting today. It is a collection of very capable business people who hold themselves (and others) to very high standards.
I was lucky to a) get invited to join and b) accepted. It has been a source of inspiration, motivation and a degree of discomfort ever since.
Today I was held accountable for an action I said I’d achieve by today. And that was to have started my second podcast which is an interview format one. I tried to fob them off with an account of how I have beefed up this podcast.
But they were having none of it.
So in the shadow (or is it light) of their gaze, I recommitted to to setting up the podcast. I had to give them a date of the first episode being published and a date when I would invite them to be the first guests.
I’ve got to do it now!
Taking Back Control Of Your Email
Today I ran a productivity masterclass for a client called “taking back control of your e mail”. It was a 60 minute affair with 45 minutes of content from me and their customer service manager and then 15 minutes of Q&A.

So I covered a number of things:
- Some statistics around the use of e mail.
- Why I think our use of email is like being in the matrix.
- What is going on in the brain when it comes to e mail.
- How we can ethically reduce our e mail.
- How we can write better emails so they get opened, read and acted upon
It was a great session and we got some really good questions
It’s Important To Celebrate Success
Immediately after the masterclass, we reconvened on Zoom and talked about what worked well and what we’d do to make things even better.
Positive reinforcement is also important.
It felt good to get a message from one of the senior management team that said:
Terrific job guys, what a show – really loved this one!