140 It’s Time For A Course Correction – But I’m Not Sure Which Direction To Go
Click on the play button to hear my latest thoughts In This Episode... It's been a few weeks since I "got back on the horse" and began the daily podcast
Click on the play button to hear my latest thoughts In This Episode... It's been a few weeks since I "got back on the horse" and began the daily podcast
Click on the play button to hear what's been happening... In This Episode... After a sabbatical from the podcast I provide an update on what I've been up to regarding developing my
Click on the play button to find out what's bothering me now! In This Episode... In today's episode I share the mumblings and grumblings that have been swirling around in the back
Click on the play button to hear about the ten things I've learnt in the last 100 days In This Episode... It is hard for me to believe I have been podcasting
Click on the Play Button To Hear Why The SCRUM Has Collapsed In This Episode... Back in episode 011 I got really excited about the SCRUM approach to projects. I reviewed the
Click on the play button to find out how my time tracking experiment is going In This Episode... It has been 13 weeks since I started my time tracking experiment. Every working
Click on the Play Button to hear about my time tracking results In This Episode... At the very start of this podcast, I began tracking my time. It's an exercise I have
Click on the play button to hear this update In This Episode... Today I take some time to reflect on the journey I have taken so far in developing my personal productivity.
Click on the play button to hear more In This Episode Today I have had an ordinary day. No major progress was made, but stuff still got done and lessons were still