195 How Long Do You Suffer Something Before You Deal With It?
Click on the play button to hear what I'm struggling with now... In This Episode... In today's episode I address the challenge I'm currently facing which is about getting on and sorting
Click on the play button to hear what I'm struggling with now... In This Episode... In today's episode I address the challenge I'm currently facing which is about getting on and sorting
Click on the play button to find out how I did this... In This Episode... n this episode I share another story about how I overcame procrastination to get another major task
Click on the play button to listen to my thoughts on Sam Ovens' thoughts In This Episode... I am on the mailing list of Sam Ovens. He is an amazing businessman
Click on the play button to hear about the procrastinator's creed In This Episode... A colleague of mine told me about The Procrastinators Society when I mentioned to him I was doing
Click on the play button and find out how I've overcome procrastination today. In This Episode... In an ideal world we'd be able to fix procrastination once and for all and then
Click on the play button to find out what's happened now! In This Episode... Reflections on my day from a Service Station on the northbound M6 late at night. Episode Show Notes To
Click on the play button to find out what I've been putting off now! In This Episode... This week I have been putting something off ALL week. It is a relatively simple
Click on the play button to hear about my micro-commitments In This Episode... In yesterday's episode, I highlighted I'd not been following through on my micro-commitments of improvements to the way I
Click on the play button and find out about the Procrastination Equation In This Episode... Dr Piers Steel wrote an excellent book called the Procrastination Equation. Given my own challenges in this