In This Episode…
It’s been a few weeks since I “got back on the horse” and began the daily podcast and I find myself a little scattered in my approach to my productivity development. In this episode I share my thoughts on my current progress and recognise things need to change.
Episode Show Notes…
00:07 – Background for this episode. I have been doing this podcast again for a few weeks since my extended Autumnal sabbatical. Unfortunately I find myself coming up with random topics to talk about.
00:48 – I think it is because I haven’t really got back into the full swing of taking a measured approach to things.
01:28 – I could talk about an inspiring meeting I had with a colleague today.
01:45 – I could talk about the importance of your attitude to your work.
01:55 – I have to remind myself that the purpose of the podcast is to track my journey of self improvement so I can share it with others too.
02:40 – Over the last 6 months I have developed my own personal productivity way beyond where it used to be.
02:56 – I am starting to see the pattern of development necessary to take someone from being completely unstructured and overwhelmed to someone who is calm, focused and getting things done.
03:20 – I have been treading that path myself and for some reason have wandered off it.
03:59 – Just like a ship leaving New York to head for London. If it is even a fraction of a degree off course it might end up in Lisbon instead.
04:10 – And so I recognise I need to make a course correction.
04:30 – But I am not sure what that is….yet. I am sharing this with you because I want to be honest with you about the journey I am taking, Unfortunately it is not all roses and chocolates.
04:47 – I am still pleased with my progress so far, but I want it faster. I realise these are the foundations for later success and these foundations need to be in place.
Until tomorrow…