In This Episode…
In this episode I share what two of the most successful (and richest) men in the world have got to say about focus.
It’s a short episode today but one packed with value (at least that’s what I think!).
Try it and see.
Episode Show Notes…
I was listening to a story about Bill Gates and Warren Buffet this morning told by an advertiser pitching his coaching programme. Apparently they were at dinner together with Gate’s father who asked them both what their secret to success was. According to Warren Buffet, they both independently wrote down the same one word answer…
The advertiser then made a really good point about the impact of dilution of focus using inches as the measurement. If you have the capacity to move forward 13 inches every day and you have 13 different projects that you allocate your time equal to, you’ll make 1 inch of progress in each project.
But if you apply all your effort to just one project, then you’ll make 13 x more progress in that one project than you will if you try and dilute that effort.
It was another powerful analogy to remind me of the importance of focus.
Don’t Leave Things Too Late In The Day
Yesterday I was reminded why I shouldn’t try to do big tasks at the end of the day.
I was tired, and had let things slip until late.
And as such I just didn’t have the mental headspace to get it done.
Noticing the difference in my mental energy levels between the start of the day when I am fresh and raring to go, and late in the evening when all I want to do is veg out, has been quite revealing.
The questions I ask now are these:
How can I increase the amount of time I am at a high mental energy state?
What can I do to replenish the energy during the day to return to my start of day vigour?
Training And Working, Working And Training
I am conscious that I have to develop my skills.
I am also conscious that I need to do my work too.
So what is the answer to balancing these two?
I’m not sure.