053 Time To Reflect On How My Personal Productivity Is Developing
Click on the play button to hear this update In This Episode... Today I take some time to reflect on the journey I have taken so far in developing my personal productivity.
Click on the play button to hear this update In This Episode... Today I take some time to reflect on the journey I have taken so far in developing my personal productivity.
Click on the play button to hear more about context switching In This Episode... In today's episode I explore the concept of context switching. I share what it is and the impact
Click on the Play Button to hear this episode In This Episode... Yesterday I was faced with an either/or decision to make. Rather than make a choice between the two options, I
Click on the play button and be amazed by what's been covered this week! In This Episode... In this landmark podcast episode (50th consecutive daily episode), I share a brief summary of
Press Play To Find Out More In This Episode Over the last couple of weeks, I have developed a consistent journalling routine through the effective use of IF-THEN planning. Yesterday, my approach
Click on the play button to find out more about my morning routine In This Episode One of the things that has really helped me become more productive this year is to
Click on the play button to hear more In This Episode Today I have had an ordinary day. No major progress was made, but stuff still got done and lessons were still
Click on the play button to find out if you have priorities In this Episode... In this episode I reflect on this quote from Tim Ferris and explore priorities, the concept of
Click on the play button to hear what I learnt from being on a submarine In This Episode... In this episode I explore how you can increase your efficiency by the use