In This Episode…
After parking the Profit Productivity Podcast at the beginning of the year, the world has definitely changed. COVID forced me into lockdown, but I was still working throughout. In this short episode I explain the following:
- How the COVID lockdown affected me.
- Why I am starting up the podcast again
- Why it is important for me to restart my investment in myself
- What you can you expect from this podcast in the coming days, weeks and months.
Episode Transcript
Hi, and welcome to today’s episode of the profit productivity podcast. It’s your host Michael Tipper. Who else would it be ?
Well, the world has changed since the last time I posted an update. A while back I parked the podcast for a few days or a week. That turned into a few weeks, which turned into a couple of months.
This was because I was focusing on putting together a productivity seminar and revamping it and doing other things. And then all of a sudden we had the Coronavirus hit the world.
And so since then I have been scrambling away to redefine what I do and how I do it. I have been in lockdown just as has everybody else, but because of the nature of my work, I have been working during lockdown.
So I’ve taken no government money, although because of the structure of my business, I wouldn’t have got any, any way. I couldn’t furlough myself because I was working , but that’s an aside really.
Now I want to reinvigorate this daily record of the evolution of my productivity skills and knowledge and of my development and what I’m putting myself through in order to become even more effective.
Because what this crisis has done is highlight to me the need for me to be even sharper, even more focused and even more productive than I was before the world has changed.
The game has changed. And now I’ve got to up my game to an even a higher level, just so I can make headway in what is going to become the new world.
So I don’t know what that looks like right now, but I do know that my skills, my attitudes, sometimes even my energy levels are probably not at the place they need to be for me to not only survive in this new environment, but to thrive in it.
But I’m confident I can develop those skills. And so I’m reinvigorating this daily podcast so I can share with you the journey I’ll be taking over the coming days, weeks and months.
If you go back over the previous 208 episodes, I think this is episode 209, you’ll see my evolution since starting this.
It’s been over a year now since I first started this and the development and changes that I’ve seen in myself have been considerable.
I’ve increased my knowledge, my understanding, I’ve increased the quality of my output. I’ve also had the highs of great days and the lows of days when I’ve not been quite so productive.
It’s been a really interesting journey.
And now I’m going to take it to a new level with what has happened with the rest of the world.
So I’m looking forward to sharing with you, the new lessons, the new insights I gain and hope it will help you as well to move forward and improve your productivity.
Until tomorrow.