350 A Mixed Bag Of Topics That Orbit The Topic Of Productivity
In This Episode... In today's mixed bag of an episode I wax lyrical about a range of unrelated topics that include: Why numbers end in a 0 are significant. How the Green

348 Recovering My Morning Routine, More On Positive Intelligence And Getting The Big Picture
In This Episode... It's a mixed bag of thoughts and reflections in today's episode: This morning was the second full morning of me recovering my morning routine. It raised a number of

347 More On The Formulation Of Long Term Habits
In This Episode... I am currently developing my Positive Intelligence Quotient by working through Shirzad Chamine's excellent coaching programme. Part of that is the development of the self-command muscles through something

346 The First Real Day Of Positive Intelligence Quotient Development
In This Episode... I thought yesterday was the first day but after consulting the PQ App and following its guidance, today was the true day 1. So in today's episode I

345 Getting Back Into An Interrupted Morning Routine
In This Episode... If you've been listening to me for a while, you know I bang on about my pretty hardcore morning routine. Well I am embarrassed to inform you that

344 Understanding Positive Intelligence Quotient By Shirzad Chamine
In This Episode... I announced yesterday that I was heading in a new direction for my own self development. There's plenty of work to be done on self esteem, self concept

343 A New Direction For Development Opens Up
In This Episode... Yesterday I gave an overview of Robert Craven's session on goal setting and business planning. That triggered an intention to reset my goals and plans for taking my