In This Episode…
With today being Christmas Eve AND a working day for me, there is a lot to get done before the Christmas break. So after my usual early start, I have been hard at work catching up on a few things I needed to finish before the holidays.
It is going to be a busy day for me and I can ill afford taking out time for any unnecessary activities that detract from what I have to do.
Which begs the question, why did I take the time out to go for a work with so much on my plate for today? Well in this episode I explain all.
Episode Show Notes…
00:11 – Background to today’s “outside broadcast” episode. It is Christmas Eve and I have a lot of things to do. But in the middle of all of that I decided to go for a walk – why?
01:53 – After my usual early start to the morning with meditation and exercise followed by a quick breakfast, I threw myself into a couple of hours of focused effort. It was actually catching up with show notes from a couple of previous podcast episodes.
02:22 – When I finished that task, I had to decide what to do next. My rational brain said I HAVE to crack on with the other tasks.
02:51 – My emotional brain had other ideas.
03:18 – In a follow on webinar to my recent Power Of Focus seminar tour I talked about the importance of energy cycles and replenishing your energy.
03:51 – For myself, I have recognised I need to take a significant break every 90 minutes with a short break every 45 minutes.
04:05 – A really good way of doing that is getting out into the fresh air for a brisk walk. It is good for the CV system and it gives your mind space to chew things over and “breathe”.
04:30 – I realised that after focusing for about two hours, my brain and my thinking were not at their best. I needed to get outside.
05:27 – I had got to the stage where I felt I HAD to carry on with my work today because I have so much I need to get done before I head off for Christmas. That’s the problem. Work done when you HAVE to do it is nowhere near as good (for me) than work I do when I WANT to do it.
06:11 – Taking a walk, even when I feel I don’t have the time, is my remedy for turning my HAVE TO’s into my WANT TO’s.
Until Tomorrow…