368 This Long Episode Is Not An Overcompensation For Yesterday’s Short One
In This Episode... There is an ebb and flow to the quality and and length of a daily podcast. Yesterday I snuck in a quick 3 minuter to meet my 7.00pm
In This Episode... There is an ebb and flow to the quality and and length of a daily podcast. Yesterday I snuck in a quick 3 minuter to meet my 7.00pm
In This Episode... It’s not that I’ve left it too late it’s just that a whole load of things backed up at the end of the day. Overall another great day
In This Episode... I have now finished my first week of my fixed finish time work schedule. Yesterday was the first Sunday of my new regime and in yesterday's episode I
In This Episode... Today is the first Sunday of my new early finish routine. It coinciding with Valentine’s Day hasn’t helped. Mind Map Summary Of This Episode
In This Episode... Today has been a head down, get on with it kind of day. I've got a lot done because I have just powered through and got on with
In This Episode... In today’s episode I share how I stumbled on a creative process that has worked out really well for me.
In This Episode... In today's episode I give you an update on how the early finish project is going and how that is affecting my work. Today has been a day
In This Episode... I am on day 3 of my drive to finish work at 7.00pm on a week day. In this episode I report on how close I was to
In This Episode... Today's episode reports on how I fared last night in my latest quest to finish work at a more reasonable time. On the one hand there was a