Your Productivity Seminar Introduction & Pre-Work Brief (Remote Work Version)

Hi, It's Michael Tipper And I'm Really Looking Forward To Working With You

Very shortly we’ll be working together to help you develop even more focus to apply to the activities of your busy day.

In the time we spend together you’ll develop your own personal productivity operating system.

You’ll discover why you’re susceptible to distraction and what you can do about it.

You’ll also walk away with cutting edge productivity strategies and a plan to successfully implement them into your working day.

Help Me To Help You

To help you get the most out of our time together and to set you up for even greater success, there is a small amount of pre-work I invite you to do.

It consists of two parts:

PART A – Track how you use your time during at least 1 working day

PART B – Answer 2 simple questions

Resources to help you with this pre-work can be found below.

I look forward to helping you develop your productivity skills even more.

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