"Discover How You Can Get An Award Winning Speaker Deliver An AMAZING  45 Minute Session To Your Organisation Or At Your Event For FREE"

“Michael made a dramatic impact on the audience. He had to hold everyone's attention after lunch on the final day of our conference. Michael's topic was well received and we had very positive feedback from all at the conference. There was the right balance of audience participation, especially presented in a fun environment and non-threatening. He was positive and we all took away something to improve our day to day performance”

Len Lindon, Shell International Ltd

How To Get Me To Speak To Your Organisation Or At Your Event For FREE

My name is Michael Tipper and I want to give you an opportunity to have me come and speak to your organisation or at your event for free.

Why might I do that?

Well just like the top comedians road test their new material in small venues before going out on their big stadium tour, I want to road test a new keynote speech before rolling it out at the big conferences and events in the coming months.

You'll get a session that will normally cost you thousands of pounds absolutely FREE!

It is valuable content that addresses a significant problem many of your people will probably have to deal with.

It's and engaging, entertaining and more importantly educational session that will help people struggling with one or more of the following challenges:

If Your People Struggle With Any Of These Then This FREE Session Is Going To Be Music To Their Ears

Difficulty focusing attention on anything for longer than a few minutes (or even seconds) which means work quality struggles to rise above the superficial.

Feelings of dread about going into work because of the sheer volume of things that need to be done making the work place a source of suffering instead of a source of satisfaction.

Challenges making decisions on what to do when there are so many options of things that need to be done leaving you paralysed and stuck in a state of learned helplessness.

Routinely ticking off trivial, simple and shallow tasks from a to do list at the expense of deeper, meaningful and much more important work.

Regularly leaving things to the last moment meaning vital work is rushed, ill thought through and often far below the standard you are capable of producing.

Easily distracted by the numerous demands on your time meaning you are too thinly stretched and unable to produce your best work.

Swamped by the huge volume of e mails that bombard your inbox every single hour.

Completely exhausted at the end of long and busy days without seeing much meaningful progress despite the effort you have put in at work.

Needing to spend a considerable amount of unrecognised and unrewarded personal time on your work outside of what is considered “normal working hours” just to keep up.

And perhaps worryingly for your health and well being, allowing all of the above to build up to the level where you are overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and perhaps even depressed!

The session is called:

"Why Time Management Doesn't Work...And What To Do Instead"

Side Step Procrastination, Eliminate Distractions & Trigger "DO IT NOW" Momentum To Get Even More Done

The session is called:

The Problem

In today’s fast paced, ever changing and often chaotic world, professionals have never been so overworked and overwhelmed.  The struggle to get things done because of just too much to do AND worry about their ability to do the work impeded by the impact of stress, bothers many of them.  

Key Takeaways

* A step by step plan to greater levels of personal productivity.

* A simple mindset shift to take back control of email.

* 3 simple ways to develop laser like focus & concentration.

* 5 strategies to create “DO IT NOW” momentum.

* 7 productivity hacks for instant impact on any workload.

The Benefits

Audience members will have learnt, laughed and left inspired to apply the takeaways in this session.  They’ll know exactly what to do to increase their focus, side step procrastination  and get even more done in their busy and hectic days.  They’ll know how to take back control of their day and achieve even more.

All I Need Is An Audience, A Flip Chart And 45 Minutes Of Their Time

"Who Is This Michael Tipper And Is He Any Good?"
I Hear You Ask...

Here's what just a couple of my clients have said about my presentations:  

Deborah MangonePfizer, New York

“Michael Tipper is fantastic!  From our initial interactions to participating in and presenting at our annual innovation conference in New York, Michael was high energy, enthusiastic and informative”

Deborah MangonePfizer, New York

“Michael Tipper is fantastic!  From our initial interactions to participating in and presenting at our annual innovation conference in New York, Michael was high energy, enthusiastic and informative”

Many Large International Companies & Organisations Have Hired Me To Speak

I'm Also In High Demand From The Media Regularly Appearing On Screen Online, On Air And In Print

I've Got A 20 Year Track Record Of Assisting In The Growth And Development Of Professional People Like Yours

I am the host of the Profit Productivity Podcast.  A daily broadcast recounting my journey developing my own productivity and that of people just like yours. 

My Podcast is an enlightening, honest and frank account of how I have increased my ability to get more done yet still maintain balance in my life

I am the author of 7 books including “Finding An Hour A Day - How To Free Up An Extra 60 Minutes From Your Busy Day…Every Day”.

An award-winning international speaker, trainer, facilitator and coach, I have spent the last 20 years in the people development industry. 

I have personally worked with over 100,000 people across 4 different continents and has written programmes delivered to over 2 million students and young people in the UK and Europe.

And I Want To Come And Share Some Of My Most Recently Acquired Knowledge And Experience To Your People Or At Your Event FOR FREE!

Instead of my usual keynote fee (£2950.00) I am willing to deliver a session for you absolutely FREE.

Remember my reason for doing this is to fine tune my latest keynote presentation before I roll it out, at FULL FEE, to the larger conference and event circuit in the coming months.

You'll be doing me a favour to road test this new keynote and in return I'll provide your people some amazingly helpful information and strategies that WILL be of incredible value to them.

Sir Eric PeacockAcademy of Chief Executives

“Michael's enthusiastic delivery, innovation, creativity and methods are quite exceptional, giving members the opportunity to sustainably save significant time each week”

Sue GreenChartered Institute of Professional Development

“Would you please pass on my sincerest thanks to Michael Tipper for speaking at the CIPD Conference and Convention. It was fascinating and he certainly had the audience in his hands”

Here's How To Arrange A Booking

Just e mail me at [email protected] with the subject line "Practice Keynote" or call me now on +44(0) 777 553 2612

“I had the privilege to see Michael at a recent ACE Speaker Showcase where he was the top rated speaker.  In a short session, his energy, entertaining style, and value-adding material made him one of the most memorable of the various speakers seen at the event, and as result I booked him to speak on behalf of Williams Medical Supplies.”

Andrew Jenkins , Williams Medical Supplies

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